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You are here: Home » Your area » Somer Valley » Priorities » Drug Use and Dealing in Open Spaces/Parks in Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield.

Drug Use and Dealing in Open Spaces/Parks in Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield.

Drug use and dealing in open spaces and parks in Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield has been of concern to the public for some time now and will now be pushed as a priority for the Neighbourhood Team. Patrols in key and reported locations by the Neighbourhood Team will continue and increase on the Neighbourhood Area.


  • 23 June 2023

    This priority remains. The Neighbourhood Team have been, and will continue to, gather and submit intelligence in relation to this across Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield to build evidence for any further actions taken against suspects. The team encourages members of the community to report suspicious activity via the website, via telephone on the 101 number or directly to PCSOs on patrol or at our local Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries.

  • 9 March 2023

    Key intelligence is continually being gathered by the Neighbourhood Team on this issue. This intelligence, gathered through interaction with the public and through officers patrols and sightings, has lead to some actions around warrants made on addresses and  searches of identified individuals.

    This work will continue as a priority on our policing areas.

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