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Anti-Social Behaviour in the High Street, Midsomer Norton.

The Neighbourhood Team have noted an increase in anti-social behaviour in the High Street in Midsomer Norton. After a period of very little reports of this type of incident, reports have recently increased and the team have been dealing with a number of issues. Priority will now be given to ASB in the High Street with patrols and engagement with young people at the location.


  • 23 June 2023

    Since the last update the Neighbourhood Team has been doing a lot of work around this issue. There are several groups causing anti-social issues across the area and this has been having a big effect on the local community. The team have identified several individuals within these groups and action has been taken against these. Several offences have been appropriately dealt with by the team. The actions taken and identities being noted has had a positive effect on the volume of incidents reported. However, this priority issue is still present and as such the Neighbourhood Team will continue to focus on this priority. Members of the public are encouraged to report any ASB activity to police to aid us in dealing with the issues.

  • 9 March 2023

    Evening patrols have been continued in the High Street, Midsomer Norton as ASB from groups has increased.

    Patrols were directed to during daylight hours as well during the recent school holidays, however there were very little incidents in this time.

    Recent reports have brought our attention to ASB and criminal damage at the top of the High Street and directed at some of the businesses there. Interaction with these businesses and more directed patrols at the problem times have been, and will continue to be, completed. Any offences will be dealt with as appropriate.

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