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You are here: Home » Your area » Somer Valley » Priorities » Anti-Social Behaviour/Damage – Skate Park, Somer Centre and Town Park area, Midsomer Norton.

Anti-Social Behaviour/Damage – Skate Park, Somer Centre and Town Park area, Midsomer Norton.

The Neighbourhood Team have been monitoring, and reports have been received, of anti-social behaviour and criminal damage in the vicinity of the Skate Park, the Somer Centre and the Town Park.

This is a priority which we will need to continue to monitor as such as the weather improves towards summer and the area becomes more populated.


  • 22 June 2023

    This area has continued to be a priority location for Neighbourhood Team  patrols. There have been regular calls relating to various issues of ASB in and around the skatepark. The team have dealt with these incidents and continue to gather intelligence on incidents and offenders in this area as well as providing high visibility patrols to reassure other young people using the facility.

    This will remain a priority.

  • 9 March 2023

    After the skate park area was cleared and repaired following the previous spate of damage there has been very limited calls to the area. Patrols have continued and officers have found all to be in order with groups using the park for it’s designed purpose.

    Patrols will continue as part of the team’s routine patrols due to it being a hub for gathering people and a good place for the Neighbourhood Team’s engagement with the community. Presence in the area will become further required as the weather improves and the clocks go forward.

  • 21 January 2023

    Priority reopened due to increased damage and reports of anti-social behaviour. Increased patrols in the area.

  • 21 October 2022

    There has been a significant decline in calls relating to anti-social behaviour and damage in and around the area of the skate park. The Neighbourhood Team continue to engage with young people in the area and a new priority will refer. This priority will now be closed pending further incidents.

  • 25 March 2022

    Following the damage caused to street furniture in the area of the Somer Centre in Midsomer Norton, three offenders were identified by the local policing team. As part of a community resolution the three individuals completed a litter pick in the same location of the offence last night supervised by the local beat team. From conversations with the three individuals they showed that they were regretful for their actions and that the process has given them a greater respect for the local area and it’s use in future.

  • 10 March 2022

    Patrols of these areas are priority and regular. A case file is on our system for this priority and all updates of incidents or actions are entered on to it.

    Patrols of the area will continue on an every-shift basis as this area will continue to be a priority.

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