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You are here: Home » Your area » Shepton Mallet Town » Priorities » Graffiti


Shepton Town Council have identified Graffiti around the town as an area of concern and have asked Police to make this into a beat priority.

What is Graffiti?

Graffiti is a term sometimes used to describe a form of art but from a policing perspective, in its more general form, it can be anything (not exclusive) from an etching, drawing, sticker or painting onto property either in the open or inside a building.

Is Graffiti illegal?

In Policing terms it is Criminal Damage. The creation of the graffiti can also involve other offences such as trespass, anti-social-behaviour and harassment.

Why? It’s just a wall (sign, bus shelter, etc.)

Unless you own the property, it’s not yours to paint or write on. There is no permission implied by leaving a wall or other surface unpainted or unguarded.


You my be arrested for causing Criminal Damage. You may have to appear in court. If you are under eighteen your parents will be involved. You may receive a criminal record, have to pay a fine or you may agree to pay for the damage to be repaired.






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