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Shepton Town Council have identified the use of e-scooters as a concern for Shepton residents and have asked Police to make this concern a priority.

Private e-scooters can only be used legally on private land with the landowner’s permission. They are not legal on any public highway, bridleway or pathway.

An e-scooter is a Powered Transporter

The term ‘powered transporters’ covers a variety of novel personal transport devices which are mechanically propelled (propelled by a motor) as well as or instead of being manually propelled. It includes e-scooters, Segways, hoverboards, go-peds (combustion engine powered kick-scooters), powered unicycles, and u-wheels. There is no separate legislation covering powered transporters, BUT given how they are motorised and designed they fall within the definition of a motor vehicle and are covered by the same laws and regulations covering all motor vehicles.

Private and rented e-scooters

An e-scooter may be owned privately or may be rented. Rental e-scooters are available in some larger cities and are easily identifiable. These scooters are road legal as insurance is covered by the hire company.

Privately owned e-scooter cannot be insured and therefore cannot be used on the road, bridleway or public highway.

How are Police dealing with e-scooters?

Our stance is to educate in the first instance. A warning can be issued explaining the law and possible penalties. The rider must understand they cannot ride the e-scooter again. If they are caught for a second time the e-scooter will be seized and destroyed and they will be reported for relevant driving offences.

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