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Anti-Social Behaviour

In the continuing focus on anti-social behaviour in the town we have increased patrols for the hotspot areas, where we receive new information for other areas we add or change our patrols to reflect this

To target hotspot areas we currently have dedicated teams working daily to help increase visibility and reduce the amount of problems occurring

For individuals who we establish are involved we offer words of advice, issue ASB warning letters or look at more serious consequences based on the severity of their actions


  • 11 June 2023

    We are continuing to patrol areas of Anti-Social Behaviour and will action accordingly.

    If you have any concerns then please report this to 101 or 999 dependent on the emergency. You can also report online.

  • 30 November 2022

    Our current focuses in Minehead are on graffiti as well as other ASB in our parks and recreation areas plus focus on town centre.

    Patrols have been increased especially during the peak times at which we have been told the problems are occurring.

    The PCSO’s have spoken to numerous youths within the area who have been engaging in Anti-Social Behaviour as well as actioning any further action which is needed in response to these behaviours.

  • 21 January 2022

    We continue to carry out targeted patrols around our ASB hotspots within Minehead. Our hotspot areas change dependent on new information that is received from the public or areas we come across that is believed to be a hotspot for ASB.

    We ask any ASB is reported to us via online, 101 or 999 dependence on the urgency.

  • 22 August 2021

    We have issued numerous ASB letter ones to youths identifies in taking part in ASB activities.

    We have visited youth at home in company with their parents to give words of advice.

    We are carrying out high visibility patrols around the recreational areas and other ASB hotspots in the area

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