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Anti-Social Behaviour in Lawrence Weston

We have had a number of reports regarding anti-social behaviour (ASB) involving youths in the area. This is causing a significant effect on local residents and businesses.

Our aims are to identify those involved, prevent further ASB and take further action where appropriate.


  • 23 June 2023

    In order to curb anti-social behaviour, the neighbourhood team are visiting local clubs to engage with the youths.

    Please let us know through the website if you would like the team to visit your club.

  • 23 March 2023

    Over the past summer we saw an increase in reports surround anti-social behaviour in the Ridingleaze area, specifically Lidl. We identified the persons involved and have given Appropriate Behaviour Contracts and warning letters to those involved.

    We have had a reduction in reports of ASB over the past few months and hope this will continue to reduce as we go back in to summer.

  • 16 June 2021

    We have managed to identify a few individuals and have passed on details to the ASB team who have sent letters where appropriate.

    We aim to monitor their behaviour and reduce further issues.

    Please report any ASB issues to 101.

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