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Anti-social Behaviour around Station Road and Crow Lane

Reports of Anti-Social Behaviour in the vicinity of Station Road and Crow Lane. We will continue to conduct regular patrols and take robust action against identified offenders. Acceptable Behaviour Contracts have already been signed by some individuals.


  • 28 June 2023

    The neighbourhood beat team are aware that summer tends to bring an increase in Anti Social Behaviour in the area.

    The beat team will be on foot and cycle patrol to try and deter this and be a visible presence.

    To report any ASB or crimes call 101 or 999.

  • 1 November 2022

    There has been a sharp rise in Anti social behaviour and low level criminal offences relating to local youths.

    The local neighbourhood team are looking to identify some of the youths that are causing the issues. Where the youths are known to Police we are progressing the crimes as appropriate.

  • 27 April 2022

    We have received a number of calls regarding Anti Social Behaviour particularly around COOP Station road. Some of these youths are known to the local police team who are being dealt with through the Police Anti Social Behaviour Team. Some of the youths are not known but we are working to identify them using our partner agencies.

  • 10 January 2022

    A local group of youths are being monitored by the Anti Social Behaviour team and any offences are being dealt with as appropriate. One of the main offenders has be issued a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) not to enter Crow Lane amongst other areas, since this has been issues there has been a reduction in ASB in the local area however we are monitoring this

  • 1 November 2021

    Due to an increase in ASB and criminal damage from a local group of youths the local neighbourhood team have increased patrols in the day and evening to engage with anyone known to commit ASB.

    Most of the youths involved are known the Police Anti Social Behaviour team and they are being monitored.

    We encourage members of public to report any incidents that occur to enable the beat team to deal with any on going issues.

  • 9 September 2021

    Throughout the summer the neighbourhood team have been engaging with some of the local youths who had caused a few issues in the area. Some of these youths are now working with the youth offending team to encourage more positive behaviour.

    In the recent weeks there has been a spike in criminal damage to buses and bus stops in the Henbury area. The local neighbourhood team are doing patrols on bike and in vehicles during the evening to try to prevent such incidents. We encourage members of public to report incidents to help enable to beat to deal with these incidents.

  • 30 June 2021

    There has been an increase in ASB around Crow Lane which seems to be a local group of local youths.

    Anti Social Behaviour team are aware and monitoring behaviour of a few of the main offenders.

    Encourage members of public to call in any incidents to either 101/999 to help us deal and solve with the issues.

  • 21 April 2021

    With warmer weather we are expecting an increase in ASB around crow lane and the open space. We encourage members of public to call anything in that causes alarm or distress so we can deal with it as appropriate. The local beat team will conduct high visibility patrols in the area to help combat anti- social behaviour.

  • 3 September 2019

    Since issuing Acceptable Behaviour Contracts to a number of youths, we have had a significant reduction in the number of Anti-Social Behaviour calls to Police.

  • 2 June 2019

    We have now sent Breach of ABC letters to specific individuals, and if further reports are received, we will be looking at Court Injunctions against them.

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