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You are here: Home » Your area » Easton and Redfield » Priorities » Street drinking on Stapleton Road

Street drinking on Stapleton Road

Over the recent months, there has been an increase in anti-social behaviour on Stapleton Road with individuals drinking alcohol on the junction of St Marks Road near to the Black Swan pub causing harassment, alarm and distress to other members of public. Officers have increased patrols of this area to engage with the drinkers in order to deter them away from the area.


  • 6 June 2023

    Easton NPT are continuing to conduct high visibility patrols around Stapleton Road due to the increase in on street drinking.

    Ladbrokes betting shop have blocked off their stairs meaning they can not longer congregate and cause anti social behaviour.

    If you come across anything in this area which you feel causes you harassment, alarm or distress please call us on 101 or in emergency call 999.

  • 15 March 2023

    Officers are continuing to conduct patrols around Stapleton Road to monitor the ongoing anti-social behaviour, the number of street drinker has reduced since starting these patrols however we will continue to patrol the area and deal with issues appropriately.

    if you see anything that you makes you feel uncomfortable or causes you harassment, alarm or distress please call us on 101 or in an emergency please call us on 999.

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