Parking issues in Avonmouth
We have been in touch with various companies regarding ongoing parking issues in mainly cabot park Avonmouth. The beat team have been showing a strong presence and ticketing when appropriate regarding this matter.
We have also been tackling issues in Gloucester road, Meadow street & Clayton street regarding parking.
Please call 101 to make us aware of any more parking issues.
22 June 2023
We have not had any further calls or complaints regarding this issue. Please let us know if this is still an ongoing issue within the community.
101 – non emergency
999 – emergency
23 March 2023
Recent discussions have took place with local councillor Don Alexander, regarding a multi agency approach required.
Please can we urge everyone to continue reporting via 101 so we can have evidence to take things forward and also help keep our community safe.
21 October 2022
The beat team have been handing out warning letters when appropriate and educating drivers on the dangers of obstructing pavements.
Tickets have also been issued when required and we are clamping down on parking offences in the area.
Any parking obstructions can be reported via 101 or on the force website.