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Support for victims of honour-based abuse

Support and guidance for victims, and those affected by, honour-based abuse (HBA) or violence (HBV) and forced marriages.

If you are worried that you or someone you know is at risk of honour-based abuse, contact the organisations below.

Support organisations

  • Forced Marriage Unit: Government service which offers advice about forced marriages. Visit the Forced Marriage Unit website.
  • Forced Marriage Service: offers guidance from dedicated support workers. Visit the Forced Marriage Service website.
  • Karma Nirvana: national charity supporting both victims and survivors of honour-based abuse and forced marriage. Visit the Karma Nirvana website.
  • Our Girl: provides more information on the subjects of honour-based abuse and forced marriage. Visit the Our Girl website.
  • Men’s Advice Line: visit the Men’s Advice Line website or call 0808 801 0327
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline: visit the National Domestic Abuse website or call 0808 2000 247
  • Refugee Women of Bristol: through the Mend the Gap project, provides support for multiple forms of abuse and violence against women and girls within Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities. Visit the Refugee Women of Bristol website.
  • Respond: supports victims with learning disabilities. Visit the Respond website or call 0207 383 0700
  • Samaritans: visit the Samaritans website or call 116123
  • Sharan Project: provides support and advice to vulnerable women, particularly of South Asian origin, who have been or are at risk of being disowned due to abuse or persecution. Visit the Sharan Project website or call 0844 504 3231
  • Shelter: offers housing advice. Visit the Shelter website or call 0808 800 4444
  • Switchboard LGBT+: Visit the Switchboard LGBT+ website or call 0300 330 0630

Further Support

Read advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office about the help and support available to anyone who has experienced, escaped from, or is at risk of, forced marriage.

Report honour-based abuse or violence

We understand how difficult reporting can be, especially when this involves those who are closest to you. Reporting to us doesn’t necessarily mean arrest and our main concern is for your protection.

Report honour-based abuse to us.

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