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Answering bail

If you have been arrested for a criminal offence, you may be granted bail. This will allow you to go home until your court case is due, however, you may have to agree to certain conditions.

If you are granted bail, you will be given a written notice advising you of the time, date and location you are required to answer bail and any conditions you must comply with.

You may be required to answer bail:

Bail conditions

Bail may be unconditional or conditional. Conditions are attached to bail where the police consider it necessary to put a temporary restriction on your behaviour.

Breaching bail conditions

If you breach any of the conditions of your bail, you may be arrested and sent to prison to await your court hearing. You may also be denied bail in future as a result.

What if a station is closed?

If the station is closed when you arrive to sign for your police bail condition, you will need to:

  • pick up the yellow hatch phone outside the station, or
  • call 101 to let our communications staff know who you are and where and when you were due to sign, so they can record the details for you

Changing police bail conditions

If you are on conditional police bail, you will need to make a request to the custody officer at the police station where bail was granted, for the conditions to be changed.

You can make a request in writing or through your solicitor.

The custody officer will consider the request before making a decision.

Changing court bail conditions

If the court has given you bail conditions, these cannot be changed by the police.

Your solicitor will need to make an application to the court to change your conditions.

The court will consider the application before making a decision.

Visit GOV.UK for more information about bail.

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