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Fixed penalties

Fixed penalties provide an efficient, proportionate and direct way of dealing with a wide range of motoring offences.

There are two types of fixed penalty tickets, endorsable and non-endorsable:

  • Non-endorsable is a monetary only fine.
  • Endorsable tickets will carry both a monetary fine and points on your driving license.


The cost of both endorsable and non-endorsable fixed penalty fines are as below:

  • £100 fine, endorsable, three penalty points
  • £200 fine, endorsable, three penalty points
  • £300 fine, endorsable, six penalty points
  • £50 fine, non-endorsable
  • £100 fine, non-endorsable
  • £200 fine, non-endorsable
  • £300 fine, non-endorsable

What are my options if I have received a fixed penalty?

Pay the penalty in full within 28 days

You can pay the penalty by:

  • credit/debit card online – https://penaltynotice.direct.gov.uk
  • phone – 24 Hour Payment Line: 0300 1231 481
  • post – send a cheque or postal order to

    Regional Fixed Penalty Office
    SE & SW Regional FPO
    PO Box 5992
    Southend On Sea
    SS1 9PX

If it is an endorsable offence, you must send your licence to the Regional Fixed Penalty Office.

If you are unable to surrender your driving licence, you must explain why you cannot produce it by contacting the:

Write to the Central Ticket Office

Request a court hearing if you disagree with the issuing of the notice by writing to:

Central Ticket Office
PO Box 213
BS20 1DR

You must enclose part 3 of the notice, properly completed and signed.

For more information email the Central Ticket Office at centicketoff@avonandsomerset.police.uk.

Lost tickets

If you have lost your ticket you can request your fixed penalty notice number by:

You will need to have:

  • your vehicle registration number
  • date and time of the alleged offence
  • location of the alleged offence

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