Report a horse related incident
How do I report…
an abandoned horse
To report an abandoned horse, call 101.
Following a report being made, a visit will be made to the land on which the abandoned horse has been found and an abandonment notice will be served.
This notice will be placed in a prominent position, normally on gates or fences.
Following the issuing of an abandonment notice, the owner has four days to claim the horse.
Failure to do so, means ownership of the horse will pass to the landowner.
If the horse owner is located, the land owner may seek civil reimbursement for any damage to crops, fencing, gates or other damage the horse may have done.
Unclaimed horses which have become the property of the landowner can be disposed of via sale at market or public auction, private sale, gifting or rehoming.
an escaped horse
To report an escaped horse close to a road or highway, call 101.
a near miss involving a horse
If you believe a near miss incident has happened on the roads involving a horse, report it online.