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Report fuel theft

Fuel theft is when a customer leaves a petrol station or garage forecourt without making payment for fuel.

If a customer has left a petrol station or garage forecourt without making a payment, and you think it was an honest mistake, you can make a civil recovery.

If you think the driver intentionally drove off without paying, this is a criminal offence and should be reported to us.

Civil recovery

You can start the civil recovery process by completing a V888/2A form on GOV.UK, to request the name and address of the registered keeper at the time of the incident.

You can then write to the registered keeper advising them of the date and time of the incident, amount owed and how they can arrange to make payment with you.

If after a reasonable attempt at civil recovery the fuel is not paid for, you can report the theft to us using the online fuel theft form.

Criminal offence

If there are obvious factors, confirming a criminal offence, you should report the incident to us, using the online fuel theft form. There is no need to go through the civil recovery process, if a criminal offence has taken place.

Indicators of a criminal offence are:

  • false number plates
  • concealing their identify
  • concealing the vehicle’s identity
  • filling container(s) with fuel
  • driving off at speed
  • a repeat offender

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