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Report dog related incidents

It is against the law for a dog to be dangerously out of control, whether in public or private.

Immediate danger

Call 999 if a dog is:

  • dangerously out of control
  • attacking a person
  • attacking an assistance dog
  • on a main road or motorway

How do I report…

an attack by a dog on a person

If the attack is happening now, call 999.


an attack by a dog on an assistance dog

If the attack is happening now, call 999.


an attack on a dog by another dog

The police will not deal with an attack by a dog on another dog.

a dangerously out of control dog

If the attack is happening now, call 999.


a dog on a main road or motorway

Call 999.

a dog that has been hit by a vehicle

If a dog has been hit by a car and the driver has exchanged details with the dog owner, you do not need to call the police.

If details are not exchanged:

a stray, lost or found dog
dog fouling
a barking dog
a dangerous dog breed

It is illegal to keep any of the following dog breeds:

  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Dogo Argentino

If you own or suspect someone else owns a dog of any of the above breeds, call 101.

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