Four arrests made in Bristol motorbike theft investigation

Officers last night arrested a man and three teenage boys as part of an investigation into motorbike thefts in Bristol.
The man, aged 22, and three boys, aged 15, 16 and 17 were arrested after a member of the public called us to raise concerns about suspicious behaviour at a property off Old Bread Street.
Following the arrests, officers carried out a search of the property and recovered several motorbikes and bicycles which are all believed to have been stolen. They also seized a number of offensive weapons and imitations firearms.
All four of those arrested remain in police custody while enquires continue.
Detective Inspector Stuart Toms said: “We’re grateful for the member of the public who called us after seeing a number of individuals, all with their faces covered, pushing a motorbike into a block of flats.
“We acted quickly on this information and as a result have recovered a number of vehicles and bikes we believe to be stolen.
“Four young men are also in custody and are currently being questioned by officers.”
Follow these tips to keep your motorbike safe from thieves:
- Lock your motorbike to something immovable like railings, lamp posts or a bike post. Keep chains as tight to the machine as possible and try to ensure they are off the ground.
- Park your motorbike where it can be seen, not tucked away in the corner of a dark car park.
- Always lock your motorbike at home. Use a cover over your motorbike if it is outside. If you can, keep your motorbike in an alarmed secure garage.
- Use a proprietary part marking system like Datatag or Alpha Dot to deter professional thieves and help trace your scooter if it is stolen.
- The use of approved anti-theft devices such as Sold Secure or Thatcham may help reduce your insurance premium.
If you see anyone acting suspiciously around a motorbike or bicycle call us straight away. It’s 999 if a crime is in progress, otherwise ring 101.