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Drugs seized and man arrested during warrant in Kingswood

A large quantity of illegal drugs has been seized by officers after conducting a warrant in Kingswood.

Searches were carried out at a residential property in Downend Road yesterday morning (Thursday 7 April).

Suspected class A drugs, including cocaine, was found at the address, as well as cannabis.

A quantity of cash and a knife were also seized.

A man, in his 20s, was arrested. He has since been released under investigation as enquiries continue.

Temporary Police Sergeant Gary Westlake said: “A significant amount of illegal class A and class B drugs were seized by police yesterday, which I am sure will be welcomed by people living in Kingswood and surrounding areas.

“This warrant was only possible due to the intelligence gathered and reports from members of the public. We’d like to thank those who have called in with information to make this proactive drugs seizure and arrest possible.

“Illegal substances can cause misery to innocent people living in those communities and we will continue to target offenders who seek to profit from their sale.”