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Taking the office out of the station

Officers now have laptops and mobiles reducing the amount of time they need to spend at the station

Our officers and staff are being equipped with laptops and mobile phones which will enable them to spend more time out in your community.

The roll out of laptops and smart phones to all front line officers and staff means that they don’t always have to return to their station to complete paperwork. Officers can now access all the necessary systems from their mobile devices, meaning they will spend more time out on the streets, moving more quickly between jobs.

Deputy Chief Constable Sarah Crew said: “In Avon and Somerset we are committed to giving our offers the tools they need to be outstanding at serving the public. When it comes to technology, this means the best that is on offer so that they can be visible, accessible and fully equipped to respond wherever they are.

“Our officers are now able to use their devices wherever they happen to be, so they are making better use of community spaces such as cafes, libraries and community centres, as well as partner agencies’ sites, in order to do their work on the go and without needing to return to the police station so often.

“I know that people appreciate a visible police presence in their community, and my hope is that as officers increasingly take their office outside, the public’s confidence in our service will increase. It’s always reassuring to see a police officer out and about in your community – please do say hello when you see them. If you want to report something to us, ask a question or seek advice, please do so – our officers will always do their best to help.

“The time saved by officers using this new technology will be put back into proactive policing, community engagement and preventative work.”

Officers are already seeing the rewards and benefits of being digitally mobile. PC Dan Moulden, who is based at Patchway said: “It just makes life easier. Instead of me going all the way down to my beat which is just over three and a half miles away from the station and having to come back to check for a log or look at a crime report, I’ve got it readily accessible. I can update logs, access our databases and send an email from wherever my shift takes me. It just makes life so much easier for me.”

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens said: “This is an ambitious £12-million technology programme which puts Avon and Somerset at the forefront of policing.

“Greater user of mobile technology has been my dream for policing ever since I became Police and Crime Commissioner. I am excited that local people will soon see the impact of this technology in their communities through the accessibility and availability of their police officers.”