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Telephone survey

Improving the quality of service is very important to Avon and Somerset Constabulary and your view and comments on the service you received are critical for us to improve.

Quality of Service feedback survey

We use an independent market research company called SMSR to carry out regular telephone surveys. This helps us to understand how you feel about the services we provided when you needed our help.

Names are selected purely at random and you will be asked how you feel about the way we dealt with your incident.

SMSR operates strictly within the Market Research Society Code of Conduct and under no circumstances will your details be used for any other purpose.

What if I want to know more about my crime or incident?

To discuss details of your actual incident or crime you can ring our non-emergency number on 101 and ask to speak with the officer who dealt with you. Alternatively, you can ask to speak to your local neighbourhood team.

Why have you passed my details to a private research company?

The Home Office instructs all Police Forces to conduct user feedback surveys. Avon and Somerset Constabulary uses SMSR to survey on our behalf.

This process is directed by the force data controller (the Chief Constable) under a strict set of terms and conditions.

Is this in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998?

No, SMSR acts on our behalf to do work that is directly connected to the core business of the Constabulary. Your data has not been sold or transferred for secondary use and is handled with the same sensitivity operated by the Constabulary.

What if I do not want to take part in this survey?

If you do not want to take part in this survey please contact the Constabulary on 01275 816332 and leave a recorded message to be removed from the ‘user satisfaction survey’.

How is my feedback used?

Your valuable feedback is used to identify opportunities for us to further improve the quality of service we provide.

This information feeds regularly into performance meetings and is fed back to individual officers who have dealt with you for continued development.