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Apply for a Speed Indication Device

Organisations can apply for a grant from the Road Safety Fund to fund the purchase of a Speed Indication Device (SID) or Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS).

Local authorities are responsible for setting speed limits and placing signage and usually fund any signage that is required. However, where Speed Indication Devices and Vehicle Activated Signs are not funded by the local authority, organisations can apply for a grant from the Road Safety Fund.

The local authority must approve the use of a sign in the location so you should only apply for a grant once you have approval.

Before you apply

  • Contact the Highways Department of your local authority to get approval for a sign.
  • Discuss the make and model of device you wish to purchase with the local authority and enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) about the type of sign and locations for its use.

Information you need for your application

You will need the following information to complete your application:

  • Name and position of your contact at the local authority.
  • Evidence of a speeding problem at the site. This must be measurable data, for example from Community SpeedWatch monitoring, not just personal perception.
  • Details of the project, including a breakdown of all costs.
  • An explanation of how the project meets the Road Safety Fund’s grant criteria.
  • Confirmation of how you can comply with the conditions.


  • You must ensure that any equipment on the highway is compliant with current regulations.
    • Most local authorities prefer signs that display the posted speed limit when activated but some will consider signs displaying the actual vehicle speed up to a limit of no more than 10mph above the actual speed limit.
    • Some local authorities will permit signs displaying smiley faces or ‘Thank you’ messages. Make sure you check with the authority before you purchase your sign.
  • The person installing or removing the sign must be qualified to Chapter 8 Regulations (PDF) in order to safely carry out the signing, lighting and guarding of street works on all highways and roads.
  • The owner of the sign (for example, the parish or town council) will remain responsible for all repairs.
  • Public liability insurance and employer’s liability insurance will be required to cover the installer(s). You may also want insurance to cover against damage and theft of the equipment.
  • Signs can only be installed at locations agreed with your local authority. Make sure you follow installation guidance:
    • Most local authorities will want a sign installed for a maximum of two weeks at any one location and not to be returned to that location within a month.
    • Moving the sign gives motorists the sense that speeds are being actively monitored and accords with best practice for such equipment.
    • Studies have shown that these signs are most effective at reducing speed when used for short periods so consider sharing a device with other organisations so it can be moved around and remain in use.
  • The data from these signs can be used to generate reports for the local council (for example the parish council) and may also be transferable to local authority or police databases if agreed.
  • The installation of a sign on a permanent basis would need to be discussed with the local authority and agreed. This is usually only where there is a record of injury collisions.
  • If you need to erect a pole to fix the sign on then this would need approval and licences from the local authority and costs would be charged to the applicant.

How to apply

Apply online for a Speed Indication Device or Vehicle Activated Sign.

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