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Stolen Dogs – 2022

Date of request: 16 June 2023
Reference: 789-23


I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act into the number of stolen dogs reported in your constabulary in 2022.

I have detailed the request below:

Q1. Please state how many dogs were reported as stolen in your area in 2022.

Q2. Over the same timeframe, please state how many of these cases were resolved (i.e. the pet was returned to its owner).

Q3. If possible, please state the three most commonly stolen breeds of dog and the number of each taken, in 2022.


  1. Please see below the number of dogs stolen in 2022.  This includes all records relating to all crime types, including occurrences recorded as ‘Crime’, ‘No Crime’,  ‘Non-Recordable’ and ‘Unscreened’.
Property Classification (Multiple Rows) Property Type Count of dogs stolen
Stolen Animal – Dog 11
  1. A manual review of our records show that 2 dogs have been returned to their owners. For 9 dogs it is unknown if they have been returned to their owners.
  2. Please see below a table showing the breed recorded in the property description field for each occurrence.
Property Description Count of crimes
Bulldog 1
Dachshund 1
Jack Russell Terrier 1
Labrador Retriever 1
Rottweiler 1
Staffordshire Bull Terrier 3
Other 3

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