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Reports and Investigations of Domestic Violence between 04/01/2022 and 01/06/2022

Date of request: 27 May 2022
Reference: 614/22


  1. How many reports of domestic violence you have had since 4 January 2022.
  2. How many of those reports related to an incident that took place between six months and two years before they were reported.
  3. Of the incidents that took place between six months and two years before they were reported, how many led to an investigation.

If it isn’t feasible to mark the reports within that time-frame on your system, please could you instead tell me:

  1. A breakdown of the date of domestic violence reports you have recieved since 4 January 2022 2. The date of the incident the report relates to 3. Whether that report led to an investigation


  1. We have identified a total of 14,032 reported crimes and incidents with a Domestic Abuse indicator between 04 January 2022 and 01 June 2022.
  2. Of these, 234 took place between six months and two years before they were reported.
  3. Of those 234 occurrences, 232 are recorded as having been allocated for investigation. Having reviewed those two reports that were not recorded as having been allocated, I can advise that in one case our records indicate that an officer had followed up with the victim, who reported that the situation had improved by that stage.  In the other case, our records indicate that the incident took place out of our force area and was transferred to the relevant force.

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