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Police Stations and Counter Closures

Date of request: 7 October 2022
Reference: 1128/22


FOI Request – Police Stations and Counters Closures

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we would like to request the following information from Avon and Somerset Constabulary, in relation to the number of police stations located within the force’s boundaries.

Could you please tell us –

  1. The total number of police stations located within the boundaries of the force for each of the years 2008-2021
  2. The total number of police stations and counters closed 2008-2021


Please find attached an excel workbook containing the requested information.  The table within the workbook shows a list of Avon and Somerset Police Stations and Enquiry Offices (see column F) since 2008, with dates opened and closed, or sold, for each station.  For additional context we have included a column stating whether each closed station was replaced with another within the same town.

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