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Motorist Vehicle Fees 2016-2020

Date of request: 10 February 2021
Reference: 181/21


The total revenue in administration fees from motorists whose vehicles have been stolen or damaged and later recovered and those whose vehicles had to be recovered following an accident.


The fees separately between vehicles stolen, those which were damaged and those which were recovered from accidents.


The total number of vehicles which have been stolen and which had administration fees charged to them, the total number of vehicles damaged which had administration fees charged to them, and total number of vehicles recovered from accidents which had administration fees charged to them.


Could each request above be made for each calendar year for the last five years in which figures are available.


The below information has been provided by the AA as the company we outsource this work to. They are unable to provide a breakdown for damaged vehicles as this information is not recorded separately.  Please note, the figures below are not what the Constabulary receive from the AA. The constabulary receives a monthly referral fee of £11,125 per month and also ad hoc salvage fees.


Please see below the fees collected from motorists for Stolen and RTC vehicles (We do not categorise damaged vehicles separately.)


YEAR Total Stat Fees (RTC & Stolen) Year totals for stolen Year totals for RTCs
2016 £503,515.00 £190,895.00 £312,620.00
2017 £830,576.00 £224,380.00 £606,196.00
2018 £901,795.00 £205,200.00 £696,595.00
2019 £960,205.00 £167,785.00 £792,420.00
2020 £897,450.00 £177,485.00 £719,965.00

Please see below the total number of vehicles which had administration fees charged to them for both stolen and accident related vehicles.

YEAR Year totals for stolen Year totals for RTCs
2016 748 813
2017 872 1747
2018 753 2007
2019 633 2098
2020 606 1908


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