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Dog Thefts 2015-2021

Date of request: 2 June 2021
Reference: Various


  • The number of dog theft crimes (thefts where the item stolen was a dog) recorded in each of the following calendar years: 2016-2021.
  • The number of dogs stolen in such thefts in each of the following calendar years: 2016-2021.
  • The recorded outcomes for these thefts in each of the following calendar years: 2016-2021.
  • The number of dogs were the animal was recorded as recovered in each of the following calendar years: 2016-2021.
  • A breakdown of the dogs stolen in each of the following calendar years: 2016-2021 by breed
  • A breakdown of the dogs stolen in each of the following calendar years: 2016-2021 by location where the dog was stolen


Please find attached a breakdown of the information we have identified.

Please note, that the data is only reflective of those thefts that have been reported to the constabulary and match the following criteria:

  • Thefts recorded within force area
  • Property description or property type or property make or property model of ‘dog’ AND a property classification of ‘Recovered’ or ‘Stolen’
  • Offence group of ‘Theft’ or ‘Burglary’

The data set will not show those thefts that have not been reported to the police and do not match the above criteria.

Information such as breed is not always recorded however where possible I have included the information we have identified.

Where location, on the attachment, shows as “w/ partner/ ex-partner/ family member/ friend” this indicates that the victim has given the dog(s) to another individual who has refused to return the animal.

It is also worth noting that if a dog has been found and the owners have not contacted the police to inform us as such, the record will not reflect this. Therefore the number of dogs still recorded as stolen may not be an accurate figure.

Information last updated 02/06/21.

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