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Deputy and Assistant Chief Constables 2009-2021

Date of request: 21 May 2021
Reference: 680/21


Could you please provide the names of the officers who have held the positions of deputy chief constable and assistant chief constable in your force from 2009 to the present day together with the dates they held those posts.


The table below shows all individuals who have been DCCs or ACCs since 2009 and will also include temporary (T/***) DCCs and ACCs.

Anyone who was already a DCC or ACC when our electronic HR system was implemented is shown as “In rank at SAP start.”

The list includes Avon & Somerset officers who were seconded out to other forces but will not include those seconded in to DCC/ACC roles.

Name Rank Held Rank Start Date Rank End Date
Anthony Bangham Assistant Chief Constable 25/01/2010 16/06/2014
Robert Beckley Deputy Chief Constable In rank at SAP start 31/03/2016
Sarah Crew Assistant Chief Constable 04/05/2015 04/06/2017
T/ Deputy Chief Constable 05/06/2017 18/06/2017
Deputy Chief Constable 19/06/2017 Currently in Rank
Stephen Cullen Assistant Chief Constable 01/05/2018 08/04/2021
David Hayler T/ Assistant Chief Constable 01/09/2012 23/09/2012
T/ Assistant Chief Constable 10/06/2013 11/08/2013
Assistant Chief Constable 12/08/2013 28/01/2014
Damian Kearney Assistant Chief Constable 06/04/2018 02/06/2019
John Long Assistant Chief Constable In rank at SAP start 09/06/2013
T/ Deputy Chief Constable 10/06/2013 22/07/2013
Deputy Chief Constable 23/07/2013 01/09/2015
Andrew Marsh Assistant Chief Constable In rank at SAP start 13/09/2010
Gareth Morgan Deputy Chief Constable 01/02/2016 19/06/2017
Stephen Mortimore Assistant Chief Constable In rank at SAP start 07/09/2009
Deputy Chief Constable 08/09/2009 28/02/2010
Assistant Chief Constable 01/03/2010 01/01/2012
Julian Moss T/ Assistant Chief Constable 01/06/2015 27/11/2016
Caroline Peters T/ Assistant Chief Constable 05/06/2017 19/04/2019
Jonathon Reilly Assistant Chief Constable 03/06/2019 Currently in Rank
Louisa Rolfe T/ Assistant Chief Constable 03/05/2013 16/06/2013
Assistant Chief Constable 17/06/2013 01/02/2016
Nicola Watson T/ Assistant Chief Constable 16/06/2014 03/05/2015
Assistant Chief Constable 04/05/2015 Currently in Rank
Rachel Williams T/ Assistant Chief Constable 23/03/2020 09/06/2020
Kay Wozniak T/ Assistant Chief Constable 13/01/2014 15/05/2015



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