Appeal after man exposed himself in Bath

We are appealing for witnesses following an act of public indecency in Bath last month.
We were aware of a report of an unknown man exposing himself in Bathampton Meadows, in London Road East, at around 13.30pm on Thursday 8 June.
The man is described as white, in his 50s, of slim build, with dark hair.
If you saw anything, or have any relevant footage to identify the individual, please contact us.
If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5223134477, or complete our online appeals form.
You can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 per cent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their Anonymous Online Form.
No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will not go to court or have to speak to police when contacting Crimestoppers.