Action taken after driving offences at car meets

Prosecution notices have been sent to dozens of drivers who are believed to have committed offences during car meets in recent weeks.
Lighter evenings during the summer months tend to be the popular for car meets. Such events can lead to dangerous driving and we ask people to please report any they do encounter so we can help keep the public safe.
On the night of Sunday 12 June, two car meets happened in the Bristol area. Officers attended the event in Avonmouth and gave words of advice to the organiser to ensure public safety was not compromised.
Officers were later dispatched to Clifton Downs, but the drivers had left the area before police arrived.
Follow-up enquiries have since taken place and 17 notices of intended prosecution have now been sent to people involved in the meet at the Downs. A further nine notices have been sent as part of enquiries into other recent car meets too in the Bristol area.
Acting Chief Inspector Andy Barry said: “We are not targeting car enthusiasts. What we are doing is taking action against motorists who unacceptably think it is fine to drive recklessly, risking their safety and that of pedestrians and other road users.
“I’m sure the public will welcome the action taken against these irresponsible drivers and anyone who gets behind the wheel of a vehicle either without the necessary insurance or that is not roadworthy.
“By penalising those who commit offences, we hope to send a strong message out that dangerous drivers are not welcome in Avon and Somerset.”
Anyone who encounters any dangerous driving is asked to report it to us or alternatively dashcam footage can be uploaded through our website.