Do you recognise the man in this E-fit?

We’re releasing an E-fit of a man we want to identify in connection with an incident in which a teenage girl was touched inappropriately.
The incident happened on Friday 14 January, on Slimbridge Close, Yate at around 4pm.
The victim described the offender as white, with blonde hair and aged in his 20s around 5ft 9in tall. He was wearing a light red, blue and white block colour coat, dark trousers and blue trainers.
Officers are also keeping an open mind as to whether the incident is linked with another which took place on Monday 21 March at 4.30pm.
In this incident a white man touched a girl inappropriately in an underpass near Sandhurst Street, Yate.
On both occasions the victims ran away and were unhurt.
The E-Fit image we’re releasing is based on the description of the offender in the first incident.
If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222011047, or complete our online appeals form.
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