Officers investigating serious sexual assault release CCTV image

Can you help us identify this man?
Officers investigating a serious sexual assault are keen to talk to him as they believe he may be able to assist them with their inquiry.
The incident happened at a property in Weston-super-Mare during the early hours of Tuesday, 8 March.
The victim described her attacker as a man in his late 20s who spoke with a foreign accent, was approximately 5ft 4ins tall and had a green and black tattoo of ‘life goes on’ on the underside of one of his forearms.
At the time of the offence he wore a black jacket, black joggers and an Adidas cap with gold lettering on the front along with black trainers with white soles.
The offender told his victim he’d previously lived in Scotland before moving to Weston-super-Mare and that at the time of the attack, he was working in a Bristol restaurant. He also told her he was planning on moving to Reading.
Investigating officer PC Oliver Clark said: “Since the incident took place we’ve been carrying out a number of enquiries, including a number of forensic tests.
“The victim has been regularly updated on the investigation’s progress and has been provided with continual access to any specialist support she may need.
“We now need the public’s help to identify a man in a CCTV image we’re releasing as we think he may be able to help with our inquiry.
“The victim has also been able to provide a detailed description of the man who attacked her and so we’re hoping someone may also know who he is.”
Victims of rape or sexual assault, recent or non-recent, can self-refer to The Bridge, a Sexual Assault Referral Centre available 24/7 365 days a year. Visit their website or call 0117 342 6999.
You can also visit for details of charities and organisations who are experts in supporting victims.
If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222057163, or complete our online appeals form.
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