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Kill the Bill Protests (Op Hyacinth)- Damaged Police Vehicles

Date of request: 23 March 2021
Reference: 365/21


The vehicle registration numbers for all police vehicles damaged during the Bristol riots on March 2021


Please find the information you have requested attached.

I can neither confirm nor deny that any further information relevant to your request is held by virtue of section 31(3) of the Act which relates to law enforcement. As this is a qualified and prejudice based exemption there is a requirement to evidence the harm in disclosure and complete a public interest test.

Harm in confirming or denying that information is held S31(3)

Confirming or denying that information is held in relation to covert or unmarked vehicles could reveal operationally sensitive information.

Public interest in confirming or denying that information is held for section 31(3)

Considerations favouring confirmation or denial

By confirming or denying that any other information relevant to the request exists, would enable the public to see where public funds are being spent. Better public awareness would contribute to the accuracy of public debate.

Considerations against confirmation or denial

The police service has a duty to deliver effective law enforcement ensuring the prevention and detection of crime, apprehension or prosecution of offenders and administration of justice is carried out appropriately. By confirming or denying that any other information relevant to your request exists, law enforcement tactics and capabilities would be compromised which could hinder the prevention and detection of crime. More crime could be committed and individuals placed at risk.

Balance test

After weighing up the arguments both for and against neither confirming or denying that the information is held, it is determined that the arguments supporting the stance to neither confirm nor deny that information is held outweigh those favouring confirmation or denial.

No inference can be drawn from this refusal that any further information is or isn’t held.

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